12 Things To Avoid Following A Breakup

It’s important to remember that everyone’s healing process is different, and it’s okay to take the time and space you need to prioritize your own well-being. By avoiding these common mistakes and practicing healthy coping strategies, such as seeking support, engaging in self-care activities, and allowing yourself to feel and process your emotions, you can build a strong foundation for moving forward in a positive and healthy way.

Contacting your ex

Contacting your ex is one of the most common mistakes people make after a breakup. It’s natural to want to reach out and try to reconnect with your ex, but this can often lead to more hurt and pain, especially if the breakup was difficult or if there were issues that led to the breakup in the first place.

Things to avoid after a breakup

Continuing to contact your ex can also make it harder to move on and heal from the breakup. It can prevent you from fully processing your emotions and accepting that the relationship has ended.

If you find yourself tempted to contact your ex, it’s important to take a step back and focus on your own healing. Try to find healthy coping strategies, such as talking to a friend or therapist, practicing self-care, or engaging in a new hobby or activity. Remember that healing takes time, and that it’s okay to prioritize your own well-being and take the space

Dwelling on the past

Dwelling on the past is another common mistake Things to avoid after a breakup. It’s natural to think about what could have been and to feel sad or nostalgic about the relationship, but ruminating on the past can prevent you from moving on and healing.

Instead of dwelling on the past, try to focus on the present moment and what you can do to take care of yourself. Practice mindfulness and try to stay present in the moment rather than getting caught up in thoughts about the past or the future. Engage in activities that bring you joy or help you feel more grounded, such as spending time with loved ones, practicing self-care, or pursuing a new hobby.

Remember that healing takes time, and it’s okay to take the space you need to process your emotions and work through your feelings.

Blaming yourself or your ex

Blaming yourself or your ex is another common mistake people make after a breakup. It’s natural to want to find someone to blame when things don’t work out, but assigning blame can prevent you from fully processing your emotions and accepting that the relationship has ended.

If you find yourself blaming yourself, it’s important to remember that no one is perfect, and that relationships take effort from both parties to work. Try to focus on what you can learn from the experience, rather than getting caught up in self-blame. Take the time to reflect on what you want and need in future

Drunk texting

I completely agree. Drunk texting your ex after a breakup is definitely something to avoid. It’s important to remember that alcohol can impair your judgement and make you more emotional and impulsive. Sending a text to your ex while under the influence may lead to saying things you don’t really mean, or worse, saying things that may hurt or offend your ex.

It’s best to avoid drinking too much after a breakup, especially if you know you might be tempted to reach out to your ex. If you do decide to drink, make sure you have a friend or trusted companion with you who can help keep you accountable and prevent you from doing something you might regret.

Ultimately, it’s important to take care of yourself after a breakup, both physically and emotionally. While it’s natural to feel sad and even tempted to reach out to your ex, it’s important to give yourself time and space to heal and move on. With time and healthy coping strategies, you will be able to find happiness and fulfillment in your life, without the need to rely on unhealthy habits or behaviors.

Revenge should not be on your mind

That’s right! Revenge can only give you temporary satisfaction but in the long run, it will not help you move on and heal from the breakup. It’s important to focus on yourself and your own healing process instead of seeking revenge on your ex. Taking the high road and letting go gracefully will not only make you feel better about yourself, but it will also help you attract positive things and people in your life. So, it’s best to avoid revenge and focus on your own personal growth and happiness.

Don’t chase your ex

Exactly! It’s important to give yourself space and time to heal after a breakup. Chasing your ex only prolongs the pain and prevents you from moving forward. It’s better to focus on your own personal growth and find ways to improve yourself.


In conclusion, after a breakup, it’s important to avoid certain behaviors that can prolong the healing process and cause additional pain. Some of the things to avoid include contacting your ex, blaming yourself or your ex, engaging in destructive behavior, isolating yourself, neglecting self-care, and seeking revenge. It’s important to focus on self-care, prioritize physical health, practice mindfulness, and be open to new experiences. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can move forward and find happiness after a breakup.

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